Introduction to Digital Storytelling

Course Code
ECTS Credits
3rd / 5th / 7th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category

Elina Roinioti

Course Description

The course aims to lay the foundations for studying and understanding modern forms of digital storytelling and narration. Taking as a starting point the changes that occurred at a macro-societal level and led to the development of contemporary digital culture, the course aims to introduce students to the broader context in which these new forms of digital expression emerged. In this course, we will seek to explore the essential characteristics of digital storytelling, get acquainted with the tools we have at our disposal, and understand the possibilities they may provide us. From a design perspective, we will work on worldbuilding and character creation. Experimental forms of contemporary digital expressions, such as video games, and examples from the fantasy world and the science fiction field, will accompany our creative journey.